Monday 24th February 2020 6.15 pm
Present: S Harrison. M Timms, S Tutt, D Baxter, A Adams, M Briggs, M Johnson, L Cawley, M Barnicoat, S Cox
Apologies: None
Matters Arising
- Application for Tree-felling licence- further advice received that we should wait until spring to establish tree growth. It will then be easier to establish the true extent of the Ash die back- Application on hold.
- Spring Clean – this was carried out on 10/2/20 with a number of ladies giving their time to clean through. Alan Whittington & Barry Englefield kindly climbed the ladders to clean the cobwebs from the ceiling. M T cleaned the carpet in the heavy traffic areas between the office and the door and will complete once the weather is better. Huge thanks to all those involved.
- Seniors Request
This was discussed and agreed that from April 2022 the Senior Captain would receive £250.00 towards their Captains Day in line with the Men & Ladies club captain. This is due to the changes the Executive Committee have agreed for future funding of the Captain’s posts from this date. In the meantime, the current arrangements will continue.
AP SH to respond to T Wheeler
Chair Report:
Sue has identified new Governance for Golf clubs guidance on England Golf and has printed a copy for the office in the hope that we can work to the guidance contained within that document.
In regards to the Ash die back SH has consulted with Doug monitor trees on the course which are considered to be a potential issue.
Finance Report 21st February 2020
- The bank balance today stands at £1,982- Hope that with some subscriptions payments already being made it may be possible to avoid any temporary loans
- We owe members £72,700. Of this, £20,000 is repayable on 31st March and the remaining £52,700 from August this year. Hoping that some of these loans may be extended if this is not possible other options are being explored in preparation.
- April 2020 Subscription letters – Rates set as agreed. Letters are already being issued to members.
- New Member Offer from 1.4.20 also to increase in line with other memberships by 3.5%. A new 3 Month membership will be offered from April to June at £125.00 with £25.00 of this being offered on the bar. Only nominated competitions will be open to these members. At the end of the 3-month period the person will have an option of remaining for the year on a pro rata basis of the full new member deal. There will not be an option of taking another 3 months.
Jan & Feb Income update- takings were down Jan/Feb largely due to the bad weather. Decision taken to keep opening hours as lighter evenings will soon be with us & opening hours will be extended in April.
- Till anomaly – Having identified a discrepancy further investigation revealed that there is a software error in the till which has caused it to record incorrect transactions. It is not a huge problem but something which does need to be closely monitored. In investigating it was found that where members run a tab it does make it more difficult to track information and going forward this would be discouraged. Support is available from the till company to rectify this problem.
Course/ Golf Committee Report:
Not much to report at present due to weather conditions. MB has a meeting set for Thurs 27/2/20 with greenkeepers.
England Golf – MB to review the course policy with Doug & Aaron.
A new handicap committee has been set up and another review of handicaps has taken place. Any changes have been notified to those members affected.
Bar/Social Report:
Due to the weather the clubhouse has been very quiet and takings during January & February have been down. .
Successful social events. Mr. & Mrs. Evening was well attended and a race night and jazz evening are planned into the calendar.
Quote has been obtained for kitchen deep clean but further quotes are required for comparison. Will need to include cost of cleaning oven.
New upright freezer to be purchased and chest freezer to be disposed of. The old coffee machine will be collected in July 2020
Health& Safety
All issues ongoing. Following an on- site inspection from the Petrol tank company we have established that there will not be a need for the wash down area for the greenkeepers as the machinery is air cleaned. Chemical spraying is undertaken by an outside contractor so there is no risk of contamination.
Safe guarding for golf- Laura is registering us on the site. Lyn Brown is our Welfare officer and has already commenced the necessary training.
HR Report
Handover completed with BR. Supervision carried out with Kay & Laura. Strategy in place to improve communications where the ladies are working opposite hours. Will monitor to measure effectiveness. Kay needs to complete first aid training. Will check Aarons training needs to and make sure this is booked. MB to discuss supervision times with Green’s staff and agree mutually convenient time for all.
Supervision date set with Maurice.
Correspondence/ Comments Book
S H has received a letter of thanks from Debbie & Karl Skoludek thanking the committee for the all the good work they have done over the past year to move the club forward.
Correspondence regarding a memorial for Pete Hudson will be passed to the Golf committee to decide.
Letter of complaint regarding golf ball into Ladies walk.
New Members: None
Defibrillator- responsibility has been taken over by the British Heart Foundation the club needs to monitor the machine and provide regular report. Stickers have been ordered for new bag tags with code number so it is available to all members
A 5 year strategic plan is needed for the club. Ideas to be sought from members via next newsletter and EC to have start next meeting with brain storm ideas.
Date of Next Meeting: Monday 6th April at 6.15 pm