November 23
Wednesday 29 th November 2023
6 pm Clubhouse
Present: DB, DH, SP, LC, PB, RG, TM, CM,
Apologies: MB,
Approval of minutes of last meeting:
Matters Arising:
Director vacancy.
DH asked about following action points from October
Come up with a plan for a “buggy trail” for the winter months. Tom spoke to
Doug but conditions have changed since. No trail but we are being more
lenient getting buggies out.
Confirm that we have informed the insurers of the subsidence on the trolley
store. Discussion with SP ST and MB confirmed that this hasn’t been done and
we wouldn’t get insurance for it. DH has asked that this be further investigated,
SP agreed to investigate.
Confirm there are now two metre readings for the water supply. There are two
readings but no bill yet
Fix the best electricity price straight away, and not to wait any longer. Deal
done with Yu and Capita
Get the old refuse bins removed for additional parking. Dougie to be asked by
Deep clean for the kitchen as a matter of urgency. Waiting for Laura to return
Chair Report: none
Finance Report:
The Bank balances at 28th November £16k
Membership numbers are net 9 Increase from 31 st March 2023
1 st Half of the year was in line with budget although Bar & Catering
overtime was in excess of the budget.
Sept & Oct broadly in line with Budget but November Income is 50 %
lower than the Budget so we will need to try and recover this from
events and possibly price increases.
Insurance reclaim of smaller items submitted and paid £1.2k
Energy contract signed from 1 st December for 2 years, projected saving
£3k per annum.
Rateable Value has been reassessed and we are to receive a net £2k on
1 st December.
The water pump Invoice was paid in November £5k.
Course Report:
The last two months have been tricky to say the least on the course with
conditions changing hourly. We met with Doug and Arran before the winter
kicked in so we are consistent on gauging the conditions. I would make this
point that their decision is final and we do not want outside influence,( which
does happen occasionally ) this is what the staff get paid for. The course has
held up relatively well as we know the conditions have been awful at times.
Andy Butler has lent us a hand mower (free of charge) to cut the greens in the
winter this allows us to keep the weight off the greens and regularly cut them
even if they are wet. The 6th green is the only real problem due to all the water
from ladies walk flowing on to it. We are looking to put a drain in to stop this
happening in the future. We still have all the tees to dress and finish the 3rd
and tidy up the others ready for the season again in April. We have cleaned all
of the mats and as soon as it dries the others will be completed. We will be
planting between 7 and 10 poplar trees as a shield along the 3rd ditch this will
be completed by the end of the year to add more protection for the new
houses. DH suggested that a temporary green on the 6 th may help to protect it.
Tom agreed. SP asked about location and Tom confirmed.
Some discussion about the dead tree at the 15 th tee. Tom to take down two
Bar/Social Report:
The last few weeks have been a testing time as we have needed to cover
Laura’s holiday and sickness leave. We have been so impressed with the way
Sasha, Penny and Wendy have coped through this period but everyone is
relieved at the prospect of Laura returning on Dec 1 st .
Following the issues raised at the last meeting we decided not to go ahead
with the refurbishment just yet, but we have made some small changes just to
smarten things up. In Laura’s absence we also put a hold on the kitchen deep
clean but would hope to get this done over the coming weeks.
The quiz on the 18 th was well supported and more events such as the Xmas
Party and a Race Night are in the diary for the next few weeks.
SP raised the question of the refurb and Lee explained that he still is hopeful
but can work with what is there.
Health & Safety Report:
All of this month has been focused on ensuring that the new waste streaming
system is operating as planned. Some minor changes are still being made. In
general the system is working well, although some people are still placing the
incorrect items in the bins, some on purpose and some unintentionally.
Food waste is cleared every two weeks. An observation from checking the
bins is the significant level of food waste that is disposed of.
I have now measured the clubhouse for fire occupancy levels and the
allowable number of people is 75. Our website says the number is 90 which is
incorrect and needs changing. DB to change this. We have already exceeded
that number this year at a wake. LC will keep an eye on this.
There is still movement in the trolly store, I am not sure if this is related to the
weather. SP asked how much more movement before it becomes unsafe. DH
said some alterations will need to be done by the end of next couple of years.
New glazing panel now fitted in the clubhouse after damaged caused by
wayward golf ball.
Very sad to see that hardly any action taken on the findings in the September
safety report.
DB to look at this.
As we stand, in event of an electrical fire in the building we would not be
covered by our insurance and would be hit with a significant reduction in
any claim. Typically 50%. Statistics show that 20% of all building fires start
with an electrical fault.
HR Report:
Laura is due to return on December 1 st following 4 weeks sick leave.
Lee Cawley was appointed as bar manager and started on November 13 th .
Reviews for Doug, Laura, Sasha and Penny have been completed.
Contracts for Penny, Sasha, Wendy and Lee need to be amended and signed.
James Waldron resignation. Alex Smith injury