27 th May 2024 6.15 pm
When are the distance markers going up on trees? Action JT to buy and TM to organize DONE
Social Media – Instagram Action JT to ask LM DONE
Bunker presentation dates? Action Ongoing Tom still to plan- put on hold
Priority list of jobs needed + costings (similar to Duncan’s email) – alongside business plan
Action Directors to complete business plan pro forma for next meeting
New members / course etiquette evenings? pitch marks and divots Ongoing – plan for a Directors 9
hole evening where new members play with Director(s) and have an informal introduction to club.
DB / TM to book this in. still to do
What happened about the free golf for employees? Decision emailed last month DONE
Can we get a master key press, clearly annotated, and sort out the numerous key issues that occur.
Action DB to ask CMcC to collate and re-organise key DONE
Why do we have 8000 golf balls in the pump room, when we are short of storage space?
Action DB to sort Cannot be dumped. Will offer to Newport
Compressor in the trolly store kept for spare parts, strip it down and store somewhere else? ie where
the golf balls are? Action Compressor to be stored in the pump room DONE
What has been done about the Ryde House/Greenkeepers water meter? Action DH to investigate
further DONE – no further action at present.
Articles of Association – GH and DB continue to work on draft amendments and will present at next
Fire Safety training – now done by DH
Discussion regarding members who have not paid subscriptions – agreed on announcement to make
to all members via BRS. Memberships will be suspended.
Job Vacancy – TM explained the appointment of Richie Newbery to the position of groundsperson.
There is not much for me to personally report. Following a meeting between myself, Rose and Ben Harding,
we have a main Club sponsor for £1,000 per year (Electric Center) for three years. There are about 10 other
potential sponsors being directly approached by Rose, myself and Judith Lazell. We will then open it up to
general Ryde-based businesses. I have made a start on the layout and content of the club brochure.
I have heard nothing more from John Clewley.
I have had a chat with Laura about social media. Tom has been removed as a Facebook admin. The
remaining admins are Laura, Lee C, Nickie Moreton and Aidie. I will set up Instagram. I would like to have
more pictures of presentations / winners / club events etc on our social media, and more of our results
(particularly men’s results, as the ladies results seem to appear regularly) in the IWCP, Observer etc.
Action LM to liaise with JT and to set up Instagram account. Members to be told about directing photos /
reports / results / news to Laura.
All of this leads me to thinking that we should perhaps be appointing a media officer of some kind whose job
it is to collate all the results, photos, news etc and post it on FB, Instagram and send to local media outlets. I
think Laura would be ideal for this, she has said she’d be willing to do the social media posting if people send
photos to her etc. it might involve an hour of her time early in the week (after weekend competitions) and in
time for print deadlines for papers.
Action DB to talk to Laura about role
Duncan is the only person who has returned a draft Business Plan template, I would like a few more before
we have a meaningful discussion so I will hand out some hard copies tomorrow and then we can review it in
June. We have enough to talk about tomorrow already but I would like to talk about the “winter buggy trail”
as we would need to start any work on that, before too long.
Action other directors to complete draft form. DH, GH and others to work on “winter buggy trail” suggestion
Branding – school competition for designing a new RGC logo?
Development of social media – advertising current rates, suggestions for second club membership.
Finance Report for 27th May 2024
- The Bank balance at 23rd May is £65k
- Full Membership numbers are now level with numbers at the end of March
- 21 leavers & 21 Joiners (but more new joiners since the report was produced)
- April income used in Budget proposal, May slightly behind budget levels but with 1 week to go & a
number of events to take place in the last week of May.
- Budget Draft Proposal ready for review and possible adoption if agreed at
ECM on Mon 27th May.
Action : some minor adjustments to the layout of the budget before being signed off by directors. Generally
the budget is “pessimistic” and arrives at a slight loss over the year but this is based on an assumption that we
have another bad winter like we did in 2023/4.
Action : SP/ST/DB to look into whether we could put our current capital into premium bonds or some other
no-risk investment which might produce income for the Club. - Insurance
cover re Locker sheds, assessors attended in April , no claim on
current Insurers , Broker emailed re previous Insurers cover , awaiting
response .
Tree damage near locker sheds, claim started Insurers require quote &
pictures of tree - DD set up with GolfClubSubs – 2 members payments failed in May being
contacted. - Payroll services – April & May completed by AH Cross, no issues.
- Bank mandate updated, additional debit card to be applied for.
Budget approved after amendments.
As we all know Doug Rigby finishes his 44 year stint on Wednesday at the club and I would like to
thank him for his professionalism and hard work over the years. He has saved the club a lot of
money, and his knowledge on the course and looking after the machinery has kept the club going.
We are pleased to announce that we have appointed Ritchie Newbury and he starts on Monday
3rd June. Ritchie has experience and qualifications having looked over a number of sports facilities
across the island in the past 20 years.
We will be getting the bunkers back in play this week with the help of a work party.
Two issues have come up to the Exec Committee from the Golf Committee.
- Do away with requirement to have medical evidence as requirement to use buggy in competition.
This was agreed and approved. - The Golf Committee are unable to agree on the issue of men playing in ladies competitions on
Wednesdays and ladies playing in Mens competitions at weekends. There are some minority areas of
dissent. Everyone will give this some thought prior to next meeting. Action : All
PAT testing complete in Bar and Kitchen
Action – electrician to be called in to look at 2 items that failed test
Cancelled quiz but summer is not events season.
More events being planned for later in year.
Water Regulations inspection. The two actions from this report have now been dealt with, I have provided
pictures to the regulator and have now received the compliance certificate.
Electrical testing is now complete, but will be required again in two years to continue the required five yearly
inspection schedule, so the costs will arise again in 2026.
PAT testing still not complete. This was discussed at length at the February meeting and frequently since last
July when my inspection report was handed out. DONE
Additional water meter. The paperwork has been completed, and an estimate of £3.5k for installing a new
meter for the Tee box and greens water. This is for the work required to get to our boundary. We then have to
complete any work on our side of the hedge to the water tank. This is not a straight forward task, so will
require significant planning and organisation. I would guesstimate an additional £4k to do our side of the
work. Potential savings year on year of £1k. PUT ON HOLD
Ryde House water meter. I have found the water meter, which is on Ryde house property. I suspect that this?
meter has gone unread for some time. Ryde house water may well be linked to our water in the groundsmans
area. I will let sleeping dogs lay at this time.
Accidents. Three accidents have occurred in the last two weeks. One is reportable to the HSE under the
RIDDOR regulations, as it was a member of staff. The reportable incident is when Darren fell from a ladder
whilst accessing the loft in the gents and damaged ribs and vertebrae. This has been reported as required. I
have received a stern email from the regulator asking a number of questions.
Action – DB to remind staff to alert DH about any incidents at the earliest opportunity
Action – DB to look into the installation of a loft ladder
The second accident occurred at the golfer non golfer day when a lady tripped over a stone whilst
running and had a double break of the leg and a dislocated ankle. This requires further investigation to
identify remedial actions and records made in the event of any future claim against the club. Plans are in
place for improving the step up to the patio. I will also procure a “No Running” sign and fit to the wall.
Action DH in discussion with Tom Harding about installing a step
The third accident is still being investigated, but it involved a lady tripping in the ladies and banging her
head. Debs did a very good job of recording and reporting this accident.
Action – DH to request details for accident report form
Neither of the first two accidents were reported to the Director responsible for HSE until well after the event.
Thursday morning I was told about Darren’s accident, two days after it occurred and Thursday afternoon
about the broken leg, five days after the event.
I have received two complaints from local residents. One from Malcolm Thomas about damage caused by a
golf ball that just missed him in the garden. When he approached the players he received mild verbal abuse.
Action – TM to orgnise marker posts to be replaced on 2 nd fairway. Possibly also get a notice to put on 2 nd tee.
DH to write to Malcolm
The second is an email I received from the owner of the house behind the 2nd green. The lady that we
discussed at length at the last meeting with all the balls in her garden. She forwarded the complaint to me as
she had not had a response from the club for her email of 1st April. A golf ball has broken a roof tile and she
wants it repaired.
Action DH to email the lady concerned with an offer towards damages agreed by the board
Appointment of Richie Newbery
Retirement of Doug Rigby
One suggestion re: greenkeeper replacement
Action DB to post comment/response on notice board
7 new members over the last week