1 st July 2024 6.15 pm
Ongoing Tom still to plan bunker presentation evening Not going to happen. Bunkers will be drained
and lined.
Directors to complete business plan pro forma Carried over but JT suggested business plan be
discussed along with Articles of Association
Ongoing – plan for a Directors 9 hole evening where new members play with Director(s) and have an
informal introduction to club. DB / TM to book this in Go on IG Monday 22 nd July 6pm DB to invite
new members
DB to sort removal of golf balls In progress
JT to set up Instagram account Laura set this up
DB to talk to Laura about role of social media manager LM agreed to do this
Other directors to complete draft form to be done by next meeting
DH to meet with GH and buggy users to start planning buggy trail DH shared plan which was
discussed and directors generally in favour of plan.
Some minor adjustments to the layout of the budget before being signed off by directors
Electrician to be called in to look at 2 items that failed test Done and passed. Clubhouse now done
DB to remind staff to alert DH about any incidents at the earliest opportunity Done
DH in discussion with Tom Harding about installing a step Still to be done
DH to request details for accident report form re: trip on vice captains’ day
TM to organize marker posts to be replaced on 2 nd fairway. Still to be done
Possibly also get a notice to put on 2 nd tee
DH to email the lady concerned with an offer towards damages to a roof tile agreed by the board
Action DB to post comment/response on notice board from suggestion box re:groundsperson
Discussion was held about Ladies playing on Sunday/ Men playing on Wednesday. Nothing agreed –
more thought required
Not much to report personally. I have carried on helping Rose with the sponsor / marketing side of things and
we are making progress.
I am keen to work on the “first impression” of the Club for the benefit of everyone. I would like to have part
of the meeting outside on Monday and walk round the area around the Clubhouse and 1st tee to share my
ideas with everyone. Lee Cawley said to me that this area is the “money shot” and he is right. I think that vast
improvements could be made for very little cost :
Practice nets (apparently this is in hand) Action – greenkeepers to work on this
Putting green is a bit scruffy, poor quality putting surface and nothing like the course greens
Brickwork around the putting green (Tom Harding tells me that this is planned to be done)
Flower beds could be greatly improved especially around 1st tee
The big metal sign on 1st tee could be removed, conifers dug out and replaced with low-maintenance
planting. Would improve visibility.
Possibly a flagpole and Ryde Golf Club flag at the end of the putting green (similar to Osborne).
Having played at Winchester last week I also wondered whether part of the course could be re-wilded, ie
grass removed and seeded as wildflower meadow. The sloping ground at the rear of the 8th tee / 16th green
could be a good spot. It would need to be an area where the ball doesn’t often go.
Can everyone bring along the Business Plan template completed?
How about looking into some quality Ryde Golf Club branded clothing? Leisurewear (for wearing to away
trips etc) and golf shirts etc. At the moment our approach is a bit random. Action – shirts ordered from
Glenmuir and VB asked to put logo on.
If we have high quality stuff which lasts for years then more people will wear it, which in itself becomes
another advert for our Club.
I thought perhaps in April-September we should meet every 4 weeks instead of 6. There is more to discuss in
the playing season and also that might make meetings shorter.
Finance Report 1st July 2024
• The Bank balance on 28th June is £64k
• May Income in line with Budget & June on track with the last week’s figures available this week.
• Membership numbers are now above the end of March 24 numbers 34 lost , 38 gained
• 23/24 Accounts in progress
Other Finance Agenda Items
• Insurance locker room issue still being pursued, Tree claim quote now received to be sent to
• DD receipts up to date, 2 issues now resolved
Finally, the controller has arrived and is being fitted today and tomorrow for our watering system. This will
allow all 36 stations to receive water so all greens and tees will have water, so we don’t not have to water by
hand. This will improve all greens and aprons and especially the tees.
Our new Groundsperson Ritchie Newbury has started very well bringing knowledge and positivity which has
lifted all of our grounds team.
We have had a quote Ben who is our tree guy and he will be taking the oak tree down which is high risk
hanging over the main road and buggy sheds. (This will be on the insurance caused by the buggy fire) He has
also quoted us two separate quotes for widening the 6th by removing ash, bay and evergreen trees. The third
quote was to trim the oak on the 7th so we are able to use all the tee box. Action TM to get a quote for the
insurers £4200 additional work of £2100 to be covered by club.
The bunker liners have been measured and will be ordered this week. We are getting everything in place for
the work on the 23rd of September this is still on course to be completed and within budget.
Some discussion about path between 8 th green and 9 th tee. Maybe a hardcore pathway can be installed.
Problems with signs being damaged and sprinklers being turned on Action – report names to neighbourhood
watch / police
ST asked why the 1 st tee has two colours, Tom explained it was sand based improving drainage
Work on ditch in front of 8 th green need to start with investigating why its filling. Dip will be pumped out
through the winter.
Change to Coca Cola.
Action – staff major championships more adequately
Email sent to the house behind the 2nd green, and the tile has now been fixed. Signs are now posted approx
20 mtrs short of the ditch and just off the fairway. Note also sent to Malcolm Thomas explaining what was
being done.
“No Running” signs have now been placed at the patio and a note about this in the last newsletter. A step is
being provided at the north end of the patio. Tom Harding has it in hand.
Three accidents reported in June, one for a cut to the head from a branch, one related to a personal buggy
user. No further action required. Last accident was a needle stick incident, further investigation required.
A recent inspection of the fire safety equipment has identified a list of failures, specifically regarding fire
extinguishers in the gardener’s area. They all must be changed for new ones. Some emergency lighting also
needs replaced along with a new battery for the panel. A quote has been accepted for the remedial work.
Circa £670.
A rough buggy trail has been identified. Just need to go through it with Tom. If accepted I will identify an
easy way to identify it when required.
Nothing to report. LC reduced hours to be used on course 20% in summer/ 40% in winter
10 new members in June
Articles of Association DB / GH
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 8th August 2024