Executive Committee Meeting
Monday 22nd June 2020 6 pm
Present: Darren Baxter (Acting Chair) Lee Cawley, Steve Tutt, Aidie Adams, Tom McInnes. Mick Timms, Sue Cox. Sue Harrison joined virtually
Apologies: Matt Barnicoat, Marian Johnson, Maurice Briggs
Update on current day to day activities:
Social Distancing has been successfully maintained. One
reported incident was effectively managed and no further problems reported.
The volunteer Marshalls have ensured the safe use of the course and those giving their time have been greatly appreciated.
Feedback on booking of Tee Times has been largely positive. At present mandatory but going forward, something to consider retaining at least in part.
The full RBS booking system was requested on 11/6/20, but installation is still awaited. Once installed members will be able to manage their own tee time booking on line and will be able to see the availability.
Play more Golf – issue has arisen due to the booking system. This is being addressed and hopefully can be resolved.
Green fees have been in the region of £60-£150 per day.
Finance Update
Bank Balance at 22/9/20 £58k
Outstanding Member loans £56K (Most members happy to renew loan)
9 left before the end of the year
3 did not re-join
18 people still to be confirmed.
This year we have 27 new members (1 Junior, 5 Students, 12 under 40) plus 2 play more golf members.
Grant received £25K
Furlough claimed to end May 2020 £9K
Lost revenue, bar, food, green fees Apr-June approx. £30K based on last year actuals. Lower bar purchases by approx. £8k
Currently nett £16K better that this time last year.
Budget set this year to break even. Bar Catering & green fee revenue budget and bar purchases set at approximately 55% of last year’s figures.
Maurice will return next week and furlough of staff will end.
Greens machine bought £5.4K and £4 k in budget for new machinery.
Plan to pay back more member loans 20/21.
Course update
Ash die back- report received detailing trees which will need to be felled at some point but at present only one is likely to cause imminent danger, at the back of the 6th fairway. Doug has organised for this to taken down this week.
The ongoing water leak on the 7th has eventually been traced back to a sewage leak in Church Road. Southern Water have now accepted responsibility for this and remedial repair has now been completed. RGC have contacted Southern Water for re-imbursement of the costs incurred by the club in trying to rectify this problem.
Development at Ryde House
Meeting was held between Tom Punter (Development manager) and RGC (Darren Baxter & Steve Tutt)
Questions were raised regarding the pre-commencement requirements which do not appear to have been addressed. In Particular the Road, the drainage, safety netting and Japanese Knotweed. Answers to these initial questions are awaited and a further meeting scheduled for 25/6/2020.
There is also a further proposal for the building of a ferry terminal at Ryde House. RGC will be invited to a meeting to find out more information and how this might impact on the club.
General Course maintenance- Holes and tees to be moved regularly. Ideas for repair of divots on the tees. Re-introduce fringes for the greens, Doug to be consulted.
England Golf guidelines for opening of the clubhouse have been published.
Hoping to be able to re-open from 4/7/20. Preparation already under way for opening
Confident that we will be able to maintain safety for staff and members.
Current proposal for opening:
Mon, to Sun 11am to 3pm
(Laura Mon, Thurs Sun, Kay Tues. Wed. Fri & Sat)
Proposal to restart Tuesday & Friday Stablefords from 7/7/2020. Hopefully a takeaway service will be available from the clubhouse to support this. In order to manage bookings suggest Stableford is played between 4 & 7 initially and monitor.
Articles have been adapted from England Golf and prepared by SH & MT. Jim Thorn will review before final draft for proposal at EGM in the future.
Practice nets to be re-opened for Club championships but noted that no areas to be touched. Nets to be tightened to avoid need to lift to retrieve balls.
Deep clean of kitchen to be undertaken- Laura to organise
Championships to end with an 18 whole championship on the Sunday open to all sections
World handicap: will require
Software update
9 Hole stroke index
New Cards
New Boards
Slope index
Golf committee are organising.
Cover for office- once business returns to more normal times a review is needed of the hours required to run effectively. Steve, Laura and Darren to consider this.
MT asked to check our plans for boundaries as concerned development plans show the road encroaches our boundary along the plan for their road. ST & DB to check and raise question at next meeting.
Captains- If current captains are to remain in post for 2nd year this will need to be agreed at AGM.
Further discussion to take place with those involved.
Date of next meeting TBA.